Idiot Quiz

Idiot Quiz

if you are an idiot, then you're probably gonna take this test and i would strongly recommend that you use this app 'cuz you'll find out whether you're actually an idiot or not.

Idiot Quiz
are rules made to be broken?
Idiot Quiz
would you cry if your computer got spoiled?
Idiot Quiz
are you wet when you are in water
Soru 3 out of 10
Idiot Quiz
do your friends like your company?
Idiot Quiz
did you lie to the previous question?
Soru 5 out of 10
Idiot Quiz
are you telling the truth?
Soru 6 out of 10
Idiot Quiz
do have a bestfriend?
Idiot Quiz
if your friend died, what would you do?
Idiot Quiz
if you do, where would you want to end up?
Idiot Quiz
do you believe you're smart?
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