Vampire Diaries Quiz

Vampire Diaries Quiz

Let's see how much you know about 'The Vampire Diaries' Bravo !!!! ? Good Work ! ? Average ? Poor ?

Vampire Diaries Quiz
What is Damon Slavatore's favourite drink?
Питање 1 out of 5
Vampire Diaries Quiz
Who is the first Petrova Doppelganger?
Питање 2 out of 5
Vampire Diaries Quiz
Rebekah was going to marry a person who was belonging to the very strong vampire hunters group.Who was he?
Питање 3 out of 5
Vampire Diaries Quiz
Who was the person responsible for showing Damon the better sides of feeding and the fun of being a vampire? That vampire also showed him the way to feed on people
Питање 4 out of 5
Vampire Diaries Quiz
Who was Klaus's "favourite witch"
Питање 5 out of 5