Which Pangya Character Are You?

Which Pangya Character Are You?

Want to know who will you be like in anime style in the fantasy world of pangya? Take this quiz!

Which Pangya Character Are You?
You are on facebook. Notifications are popping up like mad in the pass 1hour. " 142 notifications" Will you be patient enough to examine them all?
Which Pangya Character Are You?
Which Pangya Character Are You?
A bottle cap. Just like those on the soda. In 1second, which way will you turn the cap?
Which Pangya Character Are You?
If you were ask to say a thing without thinking. Which of the following you would probably say?
Which Pangya Character Are You?
If you were ask to say one of the rainbow colour without thinking. Which of the following you would probably say?
Which Pangya Character Are You?
Your favourite shape. This will affect your final result. Pick one.
Question 6 out of 6

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