Chico Díaz

Chico Díaz - Questionários sugeridos

Viagem Dos Sonhos

Sabe aquela viagem dos sonhos?! Pois é, a gente quer saber, se você pudesse embarcar agora mesmo pra...

Que Personagem De Frozen Você É?

Sobre Frozen uns dos meus filmes favoritos quis fazer esse joguinho :3

Fairy Tail Quiz

Você curte Fairy Tail? Etão tente responder esse quiz e veja o quanto você sabe!

Qual É O Melhor Quadrado?

Qual quadrado é melhor? GOL? VOYAGE? PARATI? SAVEIRO?

Quiz Intercâmbio

Descubra qual é o intercâmbio ideal para você!

Que Tipo De Chef É Você?

Faça o teste e descubra se é um verdadeiro desastre culinário ou se, pelo contrário, nasceu para ser...

Banda Sunset4

App criado para definir votação entre os integrantes da Banda.

Pergunta Da Semana

Aqui vamos descobrir quem você é e como o Empreendedor do Zero pode te ajudar na sua Jornada!

Club Penguin - Você É Esperto?

Você que se acha o espertão do CP , saiba a verdade disso aqui!

E Se Eu Fosse Rock Star?

De qual banda de Rock você participaria?

O Que Precisa P/ Treinar Lutas?

Onde treinar Lutas e os locais mais adequados para conseguir treinar nas melhores estruturas no sul ...


Cores e amor uhauhauhauhauhahuahuah uauhahuauhhuaahua

Cultura Geral - Em Português!!

Quais são os teus conhecimentos de cultura geral??


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Bullying Na Internet

O que você acha das guerrilhas digitais que atuam na internet para atacar a reputação das pessoas?

Que Tipo De Anão És?

Sempre quiseste saber com que anão te pareces?


Qual é o melhor filme do ano?

Frozen Mudou Voce?

neste quiz voce vai descobrir se frozen mudou sua vida e mudou o que voce achava de amor verdadero!


qual o melhor amplificador

Quanto Por Cento Você É Jelsa?

Sobre Jelsa, os amo, resolvi fazer o quiz.

Quiz Futebol

um quiz sobre futebol

Você Sabe Como Prevenir A Dengue?

Teste seus conhecimentos sobre prevenção à dengue.

Será Que Conseguirás Sobreviver Ao Fim Do Mundo?

Descobre já se conseguirás sobreviver ao 2012!

Quiz De Cinema 365

Desafie a si mesmo neste quiz sobre o universo cinematográfico.

.C Ou E

...................... .............

Paloma Deve Perdoar Feliz ?

Felix fez muitas crueldades será que Paloma deve perdoar Felix,mesmo jogando sua filha numa caçamba ...


A quick environmental quiz.

Poke Snake

Make your own Pokemon bye Question please try it out and put it on YouTube please

Are You Selfish

Are you selfish. Because it would we if your selfish or not.

Your Roleplay Character

If you dont know good character to your roleplay, you can take one from here

How To You Make Smart Your Salf

its only for smart boys

Your Driver Type In Nfs: World

Just 4 fun! It'll guess your car in Need For Speed: World. This'll guess your car type (e.x. IGC Pla...


A quiz about games and which one you are.

Mini Quiz

just testing purpose

Are You Lionel Messi Or Ronaldo

Take this quiz to find out if you think more like the complete player Ronaldo or the unstoppable mes...

Lindsey's Music Challenge !!!

This quiz is going to be fun to take. If your good at guessing stars and famous people then this is ...

Who U Like From Jonas Brothers

It's about who u like from the Jonas brothers. U should take it to find out who you like from the Jo...



Cars Speed 200

cars are so speedly games play and enjoy


To see if you like school or not

Solve The Quiz

What is your real name?

Bee 3A

Answer these questions and analyze your status in your class?


what is wrong with you

What Nba Player Are You!

It is about what NBA player you play like.

How To You Make Smart Your Salf

only for smart people

Happy Das

who do you love? yes no maybe so all the way to mexico.

What Footballer Are You

to find out what footballer you are

Quiz Dragon

if you were a dragon find out what dragon you are!

Are You Ready For Your Test ?

Find out if you could be ready to pass a driving test.

General Knowledge On Football

Are you interested in Football sp. worldcup 2014? This quiz will measure your football knowledge...

Which Titanic Character Are You?

Find what titanic passenger you would be if you were on titanic!

Boyfriends Last Initial

Do you want to know what it will be find out here

Human Or Angel

are you a human or an angel


akjdasbjksdb;asdbfsdj' nba'skdjfbjsd

What Kind Of Girl Are You?

Everyone needs to know their personality. This is a special personality test app for girls who don't...

Now Thats A Music Quiz!

Test your music knowledge...

Wich Ramcharan Character Suits U

know similar character of RamCharan to you....

What Animal Are You?

find out what animal best reflects you personallity!

Do You Banana

sadnksadsakjdkwajdklsa jdksa,mn

Test Me

to test yourself to test yourself to test yourself to test yourself to test yourself to test yoursel...

What Fast Food Are You?

fun lunch break quiz find the food that fits your personality :P

Witch Sonic Carcther Are You

you should know witch sonci carcter are you be that auiz app not like others fools did this quiz

Mobile Os Survey

which Mobile OS you Realy like

What Football Team Do You Suppor

Its about football teams

What Type Of Hairstyle Suits You

Deciding about your hair style

Your Cahill Family Branch

Find out what Cahill family branch you belong to?

What Is Your Brain Good At?

Take the quiz to find out what your brain works at.

Main Event Wrestling

See what MEW Wrestler has the most similar style as you.

Which Kind Of Alien Are You?

Answer five questions and find out which kind of Alien are you. Are you ready?

What Name Do You Suit :)

my quiz is about what your other name is. if that makes sence

Which Naruto Character Are You?

About the which character you are in Naruto series

Bike Ride

What bike would you ride in the future

Which Ouran Guy Is For You?

Find out which Ouran guy is for you right now!

اي مصارع انت

WWE and who is you in WWE superstars

Html Quiz

Its about HTML.You should take it to improve your knowledge.

Dfhsdh Hwdgdwdrh Wewgr

werhg wefhwehwhwhwhe

What Anime Character Are You?

This will show what anime character you are from Fortune Arterial.

Guess Your Future Carrer

It is about carrers and because this might be the best

Vvms Your Destiny Girl

Take the quiz to figure out the girl you belong to.

American Dad Quiz!

Do you watch American Dad? Sundays on Fox! Well find out...Take This Quiz and Find Out!

R U A Coffee Type

Discover if you are a person that enjoys drinking coffee. Scientific approved test.

Last Pokemon Quiz

Ez last pokemon quiz, to prove extra knowledge of the pokemon world, harder and more complicated que...

First Letter Of Your Future Job


Magic Mindreader!

This spooky app manages to ALWAYS figure out which number you're thinking of!

How Cute Are You?

is it hard to know if you are cute?? then take this quiz!

Are You A Dancer Quiz?

Do you hope your a good dancer? Wanna find out the truth? Well then click this. This will truly find...

What Will I Be In Future

Discover the person you will be in future

What Dragon Are You?

What mythical dragon are you?

If You Where A Pokemon

find out what pokemon you are

Who Will You Marry?

To find out your future love life, who you will marry. You will know who your soul mate is.

Drummer Quiz

Is about what type of drummer are you.

Who Were You In A Past Life?

This question will determine who you were in a past life


Migos vs The Admirals


business marketing is own by my network

Expert's Role

To build up Brain and developing our Internal Body

Who Loves You The Most...??

Find out... Who loves you the most..??

Movie Quiz

It is to test knowledge about movies

Best Friends Or Soul Mates?

Girls Only! Tells you if you and your bff and just friends or not.

Pokemon Myths

Beacause it's a myth