Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)

Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)

As the world we live in gets darker everyone is searching for a little light. That Light can be you. You have Good in you. You just need to know which type.

Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)
When you were little, you always dreamed of being a...
Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)
Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)
If you could send one item to a friend on a deserted island, what would it be?
Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)
What's the one thing you couldn't live without?
Which Final Fantasy Protaganist Are You? (I-Vi)